Award Winning Social Media Promotions

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Blender was for­tu­nate to be part of an amaz­ing team that was rec­og­nized at the 2014 ICSC Shop­ping Cen­tre Awards for two adver­tis­ing campaigns.

Our cam­paign won gold for Spring Style Find at West­shore Town Cen­tre. Blender, work­ing with social media mar­keter Cre­at­ing Excel­lence, designed a Face­book “inter­ac­tive gam­ing expe­ri­ence.”  Our app was mobile friendly and existed in a social media con­text to encour­age cus­tomers to con­nect with West­shore and share the con­test with each other.

Spring Style Find — West­shore Town Centre

West­shore Town Cen­tre launched Spring Style Find, an in-mall and online inter­ac­tive gam­ing expe­ri­ence. This cross-plat­form con­cept meshed the iconic Price is Right with the idea of hav­ing cus­tomers guess the cor­rect prices of prod­ucts from the Cen­tre. Spring Style Find was a real win­ner with a 6.95% increase in sales, an addi­tional 25,000 shop­ping min­utes and an esti­mated 8,900 store vis­its to search out cor­rect prices and an aver­age store visit per shop­ping trip that increased from 1.5 stores to 4.9!

The sec­ond award was with Ben­tall Kennedy and their Catch the Spirit cam­paign.  Blender’s con­tri­bu­tion: “A cus­tom-built, inter­ac­tive video game added a fun pre­cur­sor to enter to win 2 grand-prize pack­ages of $10,000 in gift cards and $2,500 for the winner’s char­ity.” Another appli­ca­tion within a Face­book context.

Catch the Spirit — Ben­tall Kennedy (Canada) LP
Ben­tall Kennedy’s “Catch the Spirit” cam­paign fea­tured a multi-pronged approach to com­mu­ni­ca­tion with a cus­tomised microsite The site included hol­i­day-themed com­po­nents from cus­tomised dig­i­tal colour­ing pages, to “ask an expert” blog­ger forum; the “spirit” spread fast. A cus­tom-built, inter­ac­tive video game added a fun pre­cur­sor to enter to win 2 grand-prize pack­ages of $10,000 in gift cards and $2,500 for the winner’s char­ity. The cam­paign enhanced the company’s dig­i­tal foot­print as well as cen­tre per­for­mance. The Catch the Spirit cam­paign gar­nered over 287.8 mil­lion impres­sions in publicity.
2014 Shop­ping Cen­tre Awards