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New Client | Blender (we)blog

keeping it personal - vancouver web design

As Blender I have worked with clients from as far away as Aus­tralia, but by far the major­ity are local small busi­nesses here in Van­cou­ver. I like it like this. Over the years I have built solid rela­tion­ships with clients that have sup­ported and grown my business.

While meet­ing in per­son might seem inef­fi­cient, the truth is sit­ting across from some­one you can exchange ideas much more eas­ily. Meet­ing face to face is some­thing you take for granted in a nor­mal work­place, but as a self employed inde­pen­dent web designer, per­sonal con­tact is gold!

It’s not unusual to be meet­ing with a client or just talk­ing with some­one and learn­ing that I have worked with some­one close to them. The vast major­ity of my clients have come from refer­rals so reach­ing this local crit­i­cal mass feels really good.

So — Thanks Van­cou­ver Clients!


Successful SEO campaign (updated)

New client Squeeze Van­cou­ver had a web­site already, but it’s search engine traf­fic was very dis­ap­point­ing.  Blender was hired to opti­mize the web­site to bet­ter com­pete with other local chair mas­sage busi­nesses.  We quickly iden­ti­fied some struc­tural prob­lems with the web­site, worked with the client to cre­ate some new con­tent, and devel­oped an SEO plan.

Mobile Chair Mas­sage Squeeze Vancouver

UPDATE: Blender is happy to report that Squeeze has received it’s first clients from organic search!  After a lit­tle over a month clicks through Google are up 87%. Most impor­tantly we are see­ing our tar­geted search phrases start­ing to appear on the first page in some searches.

Blender welcomes Genssante

Blender is happy to wel­come new client Genssante. Blender will be doing their ongo­ing main­te­nance and updates.  First task — update the web­site using php script­ing to make main­tain­ing it eas­ier and cheaper.

Thanks to client Mark Rosen­garten (markrosengartenmd.ca) for the referral.