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Facebook App Contest - Westshore Mall | Blender (we)blog

Facebook App Contest - Westshore Mall

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Just launched — Face­book App Con­test for West­shore Town Cen­tre! Designed by Cre­at­ing Excel­lence and pro­grammed by Blender.  This con­test exists in the con­text of Face­book and runs in con­cert with West­shore’s in mall contest.

Note­wor­thy fea­tures include: mobile friendly, Like gate, Face­book login, Face­book shar­ing, Tweet­ing, Pinning.

This project brings together sev­eral technologies:

  • Face­book SDKs to inte­grate into it’s social media network
  • Pin­ter­est + Twit­ter sharing
  • Javascript + jQuery for interactivity
  • PHP for server side coding
  • MySQL for stor­ing con­test entries

Face­book appli­ca­tions are great ways to engage peo­ple with your brand or busi­ness.  Vis­i­tors inter­act with you and can eas­ily share out to their friends.

Face­book App Con­test for West­shore Town Centre
