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website maintenance | Blender (we)blog

keeping websites up-to-date

When long­time Van­cou­ver client Lori Miles of Sweet Pea Pho­tog­ra­phy called Blender to ask for some updates to her web­site, to bring it up-to-date and give her web­site a lit­tle facelift, it was prob­a­bly over­due.  Lori takes amaz­ing pho­tos and gets some high pro­file clients and media expo­sure, which needed to be show­cased. From a poten­tial clients stand­point it is impor­tant to show them what you are up to and where your work is going.  From an SEO stand­point you want your web­site to be viewed as cur­rent and deserv­ing of good results placement.

As for  the facelift Lori asked to change the web­site from it’s exist­ing ele­gant black to a crisp white.  Not as sim­ple as it sounds, but what a difference!

Sweet Pea Pho­tog­ra­phy is due from some other needed updates like tran­si­tion­ing away from Flash, but that does­n’t feel as urgent with it’s fresh new look.

visit Van­cou­ver Pho­tog­ra­pher Lori Miles, Sweet Pea Photography


update for The Emerald Coast

Emerald Coast Vancouver - Masonry and Landscaping

It’s impor­tant to keep a web­site up to date, both the con­tent and the con­struc­tion.  After adding some more pho­tos and a few new pages it was time to bring Van­cou­ver’s The Emer­ald Coast up to date with regards to web standards.

Emer­ald’s web­site was orig­i­nally based on a web­site tem­plate that fea­tured a Flash ban­ner at the time.  Com­mon prac­tice at the time to incor­po­rate some ani­ma­tion and give web­sites a lit­tle punch, Flash now was a use­abil­ity and SEO hin­drance. IPads/IPhones don’t dis­play flash items, and the con­tent is often ignored or poorly inter­preted by search engines.

Emer­ald liked the look so Blender extracted the good and reworked using mod­ern HTML design.  Next some jQuery ani­ma­tions to get back that punch and we’ll leave alone for another few years…

The Emer­ald Coast

SEO and expired content

Prop­erly deal­ing with expired con­tent is impor­tant. I have a few clients who reg­u­larly update their web­site and remove con­tent that is dated or obso­lete.  Usu­ally I notice the con­tent is miss­ing and send them an email along the lines of “never remove con­tent!” along with some expla­na­tion. But is just keeps hap­pen­ing, and it is hurt­ing their vis­i­tors expe­ri­ence and their web­site’s search engine ranking.

The con­cern with remov­ing expired con­tent, or not remov­ing it, is that  vis­i­tors will con­tinue to come to your web­site, directed by search engines and out­side links, and will not find what they are look­ing for.  Either what they wanted is miss­ing, or it is old and out of date.  You have just made a bad impres­sion.  Fur­ther, search engines are in the busi­ness of direct­ing vis­i­tors to use­ful con­tent.  If they detect that send­ing vis­i­tors your way isn’t help­ful they will rank you lower in their search results.  Search engines want the pages and con­tent they think you have to be sta­ble and reli­able. So what to do? (more…)